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资深特效设计师 Senior Special Effects Designer

立即申请 稍后申请 职位ID 10095724 工作地点-国家/地区 上海, 上海, 中国内地 工作发布公司 Shanghai Disney Resort 发布日期 2024/08/06




  • 必须了解华特迪士尼公司的传统和上海迪士尼度假区
  • 全面负责所有特效项目
  • 了解“大局”,知道创意过程是如何运作的,以实现创意愿景
  • 与DSQ技术经理共同开展项目人力分配和资源规划
  • 评估上海迪士尼度假区正在使用的特效。遵循DSQ的演出布景评估格式,每年对每个景点和游乐设备进行两次评估(闭园后进入到场景内进行深入评估),并从游客的角度进行评估。
  • 与维护合作伙伴(AES)联络,以便在演出布景评估阶段进入景点,与技术人员沟通调查结果,在需要时协助排除故障,为采购、评测和老旧系统和部件的替代品测试提供支持。
  • 与全球WDI/DSQ团队联络,进行信息的交流。
  • 项目范围——处理复杂程度中等的任务,从概念到完工
  • 与项目环境中各级人员进行沟通和互动
  • 解释并传达来自各种来源的演出布景概念和设计意图
  • 与项目经理和其他创意负责人的沟通
  • 与团队负责人合作,组织概念小样的证明并记录结果
  • 负责从开始到完成的创意流程和团队管理
  • 确定所有创意交付成果的工序范围
  • 负责所有与特效相关的创造性交付成果,包括范围、进度和预算
  • 与项目团队合作,有效管理整个项目与特效相关的的预算和进度
  • 与团队领导合作,确定范围和交付方案的轻重缓急
  • 通过在多个层面与多个合作伙伴建立牢固的关系,建设强大的团队
  • 专注于完成创造性交付成果,并制定规避计划来管理风险
  • 根据需要有效影响范围的变化
  • 管理外部特效供应商
  • 精通研究工具
  • 能够组织多层文档


  • 剧院、电影、设计或娱乐专业本科学位优先。
  • 7-10年迪士尼经验或相关经验(电影、剧院、水特效等)
  • 其他剧院技术的基本知识和经验,即照明、效果、音频、布景设计和施工等
  • 有主题乐园、电影和/或剧院制作经验
  • 了解创意过程、交付成果、范围、进度和预算规划
  • 此人领导过整个项目周期更佳,从概念到完工
  • 良好的口头和书面沟通技巧(中英文)
  • 精通Word、Excel、PowerPoint、PhotoShop和互联网
  • 精通CAD绘图程序,包括2D和3D (最好熟悉Navisworks, Solidworks, Revit)
  • 激光安全、火焰安全、焰火安全经验优先
  • 具备建筑单体设计知识(建筑、室内设计、平面设计等)
  • 具备游乐设备系统的基本知识
  • 具备特效设备和供应商的知识

Job Summary:

The Senior Special Effects Designer responsible for the development and show maintenance of Practical Special Effects including Fire, Light, Projection, Water, Air, Gas, and Visual effects including Projection to create environments otherwise not realizable in a physical manner.  This person is the Special Effects leader responsible for achieving and maintaining the creative vision of WDI/DSQ Art Directors and translating these designs intent into reality, as well as maintain ongoing special effects across Shanghai Disney Resort and help develop concept for new projects. The Senior Special Effects Designer works directly with the DSQ Technical Manager to calculate manpower and resource planning for all projects, manages the execution of Creative deliverables and collaborates with Project Leaders from various Line of Business.  A Senior Special Effects Designer must be able to guide and articulate the concepts and experiences that define the creative vision and to motivate the team, responsible for providing input to support its development creative vision through production and installation.  This candidate must have an understanding of the design process, work well with other disciplines in a collaborative environment and should have experience mentoring and directing other designers and production staff.

What You’ll Do

  • Must have a knowledge of the Walt Disney Company heritage and Shanghai Disney Resort
  • Overall responsibility for all Special Effects projects
  • Understands the “big picture” and knows how the creative process works in order to execute the creative vision
  • Work with DSQ Technical manager on project manpower assignments and resource planning 
  • Reviews ongoing Special Effects across Shanghai Disney Resort. Follows the DSQ show review format twice a year for every attraction (in depth review after park close), and ride through reviews from guest perspective.
  • Liaises with maintenance partners (AES) for access to attraction during show review period, communicates findings with technicians, assists in the troubleshooting where needed and provides support sourcing, mock up and testing substitution for obsolete systems and  components.
  • Liaises with global WDI/DSQ teams for interdisciplinary exchange.
  • Project scope - Works on assignments of moderate complexity from concept to completion
  • Communicates and interacts with all levels of individuals within the project environment
  • Interprets and communicates show concept and design intent, from a variety of sources
  • Interfaces with Project Managers and other creative leads
  • Partners with team leaders to organize proof of concept mock-ups and document the results
  • Responsible for managing creative process and team from inception to completion
  • Defines scope of activities for all Creative Deliverables
  • Accountable for all special effect related creative deliverables, including scope, schedule and budget
  • Effectively manages special effect related budgets and schedules throughout the project in collaboration with Project Team
  • Collaborates with team leadership to prioritize scope and delivery options
  • Promotes strong team building by developing solid relationships with multiple partners at multiple levels
  • Focus on completion of creative deliverables and develops work around plan to manage risk
  • Effectively influences the change in scope as needed
  • Manages outside special effects vendor
  • Proficiency in Research tools
  • Ability to organize multiple layers of documentation

What To Bring:

  • BA/BS in theater, film, design or entertainment is preferred.
  • 7-10 years of Disney experience or related (Film, Theater, Water Effects, etc…)
  • Basic knowledge and experience with other theatrical technologies, i.e. – lighting, effects, audio, set design and construction, etc.
  • Previous theme park, film and/or theater production experience
  • Knowledge of creative process, deliverables, scope, schedule and budget planning
  • Beneficial for this individual to have led an entire project cycle, from concept to completion
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills (Chinese & English)
  • Computer proficiency with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PhotoShop, and the Internet
  • Proficiency with CAD drafting programs both 2D and 3D (familiarity with Navisworks, Solidworks, Revit preferred)
  • Laser Safety, Flame Safety, Pyrotechnic Safety preferred
  • Knowledge of facility design (architecture, interiors, graphics, etc.)
  • Basic knowledge of Ride Systems
  • Knowledge of Special Effects equipment and vendors.

关于 Shanghai Disney Resort:


关于 华特迪士尼公司 (公司):

华特迪士尼公司连同其子公司和关联公司,是一家领先的多元化国际家庭娱乐和媒体公司,拥有以下业务板块:媒体网络、乐园和度假区、影视娱乐、消费产品和互动媒体。它从 20 世纪 20 年代的一家小型卡通工作室,一跃发展成为当今娱乐业中的翘楚,可谓是家喻户晓。迪士尼公司非常荣幸地继续秉承其传统,为每位家庭成员打造世界一流的故事和体验。迪士尼的故事、人物和经历吸引了世界各地的消费者和游客。我们在 40 多个国家及地区经营业务,我们的员工和演职人员携手努力,打造在全世界和当地都备受钟爱的娱乐体验。

此职位隶属于 Shanghai Intl Theme Park Company, Ltd., 即我们称为 Shanghai Disney Resort 业务的一部分。

具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整。 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯。


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