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资深经理,战略创新及新兴技术Senior Manager - Strategic Innovation and Emerging Technology

立即申请 稍后申请 职位ID 10076969 工作地点-国家/地区 上海, 上海, 中国内地 工作发布公司 Shanghai Disney Resort 发布日期 2024/02/05





  • 建立技术和数字创新战略,与整体业务战略保持一致。
  • 领导和推进前沿创新性技术项目的探索、评估、立项和规模化。
  • 密切关注范围广泛的新兴技术,确定技术的成熟度和对公司的适用性。评估新兴技术对公司战略业务需求的相对影响并向领导团队汇报。
  • 管理相关技术创新项目的支出和投资,在可测量的业务价值方面取得最佳回报。负责相关技术项目的主要成本需求评估。
  • 根据业务运营和组织架构需求的变化,主动响应并调整资源的规划。
  • 实施项目集成管理,确保其流程满足公司各部门需求并且易于理解,此流程必须符合审计与合规的标准。
  • 通过指导、监控计划,设计、发展、维护系统和项目等方法,监控技术与数字团队创新项目的实施和发展。
  • 遵循项目管理办公室(PMO)治理及项目优先顺序的前提下,实现项目团队及相关方的双赢并促成合规环境的建设。


  • 计算机科学或相关学士学位。
  • 15年及以上相关工作经验。
  • 具备丰富的线上和线下数字化创新项目经验。
  • 通过与各个业务部门领导的积极讨论,确定上海迪士尼度假区的关键问题、需求和策略,提供能给企业带来竞争优势的创新解决方案。
  • 必须精通信息技术专业知识和技能,同时需要具备开发业务成功案例的能力。
  • 具备解决挑战性问题的能力,兴趣广泛,能够整合各种来源的信息并找到突破性的解决方案。通过应用创新科技,与上海迪士尼度假区各个部门共同合作实施公司战略。负责设计和支持主要业务战略的策略执行。
  • 维护信息安全及客户隐私,保证监管的合规性、顾客隐私保护以及公司的信息安全,维护上海迪士尼度假区和华特迪士尼公司的高品质品牌形象。
  • 制定战略性信息技术的使用周期基准,以确保上海迪士尼度假区的竞争优势。
  • 发展和巩固与供应商的技术合作关系。
  • 具备出色的中英文口头和书面表达沟通能力,尤其注重维护与管理层和终端用户之间的有效沟通链接,以达到计划、调度、完成整体目标的目的。
  • 具有团队精神,能够在上海迪士尼度假区各部门之间建立联系并实现跨部门和集团的有效协作。
  • 保持对工作方法/风格的灵活性和灵敏度是有效应对跨国文化工作环境的一个重要因素。为了适应中美业务风格的不同,需要理解和配合不同工作方法/风格。
  • 理解信息技术解决方案的市场趋势,能够平衡迪士尼集团IT业务板块的战略标准与中国当地信息技术趋势和消费者的期望。
  • 不仅能够给予高层面的指导,而且能够高效地带领团队进行实际的运营计划实施。有能力独立工作而无需经常向高层询问意见,但是需要定期及在必要情况下通报管理层。
  • 候选人也应该具有在区域和全球范围内的项目管理经验、具有平衡资源经验、具有服务和技术供应商的管理和丰富的谈判经验。

Senior Manager - Strategic Innovation and Emerging Technology

Line of Business: Technology and Digital

Location: Shanghai, China

Job Summary:

As a Senior Manager, your primary duty is to articulate the technology and digital innovation strategy to align with the overall business strategy, assess the relative impact of emerging technologies on strategic business needs, actively manage key stakeholders from Segment and Line of Business (LOB), lead and promote the exploration, evaluation, initiation, and scale of cutting-edge innovative technology projects, and quickly test and learn.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Articulate an innovation strategy that aligns with the overall business strategy.
  • Lead and promote the exploration, evaluation, initiation, and scale of cutting-edge innovative technology projects.
  • Tackle a broad range of emerging technologies to determine their maturity and applicability to the enterprise. Assess the relative impact of emerging technologies on strategic business needs and interpret their meaning to the senior leadership team.
  • Manage spending and investments in relevant technology and digital strategic projects to produce optimum returns on measured business value. Provide leadership in assessing key budget requirements for technology projects.
  • Direct information resource planning by facilitating the identification of information needed to support business operations by being initiative-taking and responsive to organizational needs.
  • Implement governance in a disciplined and well-understood set of processes incorporating and balancing the needs of all functions of the company while meeting all audit and compliance standards.
  • Oversee the development, implementation, and ongoing management of innovative initiatives by directing and monitoring systems and programs' planning, design, development, and maintenance.
  • Obtain buy-in and foster compliance from project teams and stakeholders in adhering to PMO governance and project priorities.

Desired Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related discipline.
  • 15+ years of related working experience.
  • Rich experience in online and offline digitalization innovative projects.
  • Through active discussions with the leaders of each business unit, identify key issues, needs, and strategies for SHDR and provide innovative solutions that give the company a competitive advantage.
  • Strong technical expertise is a must, along with a proven ability to develop compelling business cases to inform the best use of technologies to support business objectives.
  • Ability to solve challenging analytical problems. Having a wide range of interests and integrating information from a variety of sources to find breakthrough solutions. Able to balance the company's strategy and objectives between company management and global domain experts.
  • Partner with all functions of the organization (SHDR) to implement strategies and lead tactical execution in the design and support of key business strategies through the application of innovative technology.
  • Maintain a high focus on information security and guest privacy, ensuring regulatory compliance and protection of guest and company information and the high-quality brand of SHDR and The Walt Disney Company.
  • Conduct periodic benchmarking of strategic information and technology usage to ensure that SHDR sustains a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
  • Develop and enhance Technology relationships with suppliers and vendors.
  • Excellent bilingual verbal and written communication with particular emphasis on maintaining a viable link with senior management and end-users to facilitate planning, scheduling, and meeting overall goals and objectives.
  • A team player and relationship builder with the ability to work effectively and collaboratively across lines of business within SHDR and across Segments and corporations.
  • Personal flexibility and sensitivity in approach and work style is an essential element in dealing effectively in a multinational environment.  Ability to understand and create the synergy between Chinese and American business styles.
  • Understand the market trends of technology solutions, balancing the local Chinese technology trends and consumer expectations with Disney corporate and segment strategies and standards.
  • Capable of giving high-level guidance, and efficiently leading the team through the actual implementation of the operational plan. Inform management regularly and as necessary but work independently without constantly asking senior management for advice.
  • Candidates should have experience in project management on a regional and global scale, as well as experience in balancing resources, service, and technology supplier management and negotiation.

关于 Shanghai Disney Resort:


关于 华特迪士尼公司 (公司):

华特迪士尼公司连同其子公司和关联公司,是一家领先的多元化国际家庭娱乐和媒体公司,拥有以下业务板块:媒体网络、乐园和度假区、影视娱乐、消费产品和互动媒体。它从 20 世纪 20 年代的一家小型卡通工作室,一跃发展成为当今娱乐业中的翘楚,可谓是家喻户晓。迪士尼公司非常荣幸地继续秉承其传统,为每位家庭成员打造世界一流的故事和体验。迪士尼的故事、人物和经历吸引了世界各地的消费者和游客。我们在 40 多个国家及地区经营业务,我们的员工和演职人员携手努力,打造在全世界和当地都备受钟爱的娱乐体验。

此职位隶属于 Shanghai Intl Theme Park Company, Ltd., 即我们称为 Shanghai Disney Resort 业务的一部分。

具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整。 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯。


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