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资深经理, 学习与发展 Senior Manager - Learning & Development

立即申请 稍后申请 职位ID 10086378 工作地点-国家/地区 上海, 上海, 中国内地 工作发布公司 Shanghai Disney Resort 发布日期 2024/04/11




资深经理,学习与发展将领导学习与发展顾问团队为上海迪士尼度假区的组织文化建设,人才发展和业务部门发展提供相应的服务与支持。主要职责包括制定上海迪士尼度假区的学习发展战略、领导力发展战略、人才发展战略、和多元包容文化发展战略;领导团队基于战略设计行动计划,制定部门的年度工作重点,开展具体的项目,培训和活动;与迪士尼体验业务板块相关职能部门合作推行重点项目以支持业务发展;寻求组织内外部资源与协作以提升产品和项目的质量和影响力;管控关键项目进度和质量并为团队提供方向与建议;引进数字化技术和创新的培训方式提升项目与培训效果;与商业团队合作开展对外培训业务;培养高绩效团队并支持和引导团队成员的职业发展;设计和讲授领导力和软技能的相关课程 。



  • 有效管理跨层级跨部门的利益相关者,影响与学习发展、人才发展与文化建设的相关重要决策的制定,制定全年发展战略提案并寻求核心管理层意见以达成一致;在项目过程中及时与利益相关者反馈进度和关键节点,并针对实际情况做出灵活调整
  • 代表上海迪士尼度假区参与迪士尼体验业务板块相关职能部门的各类会议,分享和搜集信息,了解该职能部门所推进的各项工作以促进合作;同时以故事讲述展示本地项目成果和影响
  • 作为人力资源部核心领导团队参与各项与组织发展,人才发展和文化建设等相关议题的讨论并提出洞见和建议,与人力资源其他职能部门通力合作推进人力资源部年度工作计划
  • 有效安排团队人力资源和相关流程以满足业务需求并监督团队高效完成工作目标
  • 发展和辅导团队成员,制定团队的年度学习和发展计划,提高团队成员的综合能力,建立积极高效协作的团队


  • 领导团队分析和总结公司整体学习发展需求,制定年度培训计划和重点项目
  • 制定年度部门预算以支持各项业务开展
  • 领导高管发展项目,利用公司内外部资源提升核心管理层的领导力
  • 领导团队推出针对不同层级的领导力发展项目,本土化学习内容
  • 领导团队持续创新,开发符合用户需求的课程和产品
  • 建设数字化学习平台,通过数字化学习手段提升学习覆盖率并协助业务部门进行知识管理和传播


  • 基于公司的人才发展需求制定人才发展的战略和相关行动计划
  • 了解、��析并诊断不同层级高潜力人才的群体特征和发展需求
  • 根据需求设计包含多种内容及形式的发展项目并管理项目以实现预期目标
  • 管理人才社区,协助人才社区负责人持续发展人才项目的毕业领导者


  • 与总部组织发展部门合作,持续更新组织发展工具并给人力资源部同事持续提供培训资源和工具包
  • 基于业务需求与人力资源业务伙伴合作,为业务部门提供组织诊断和��询服务


  • 领导团队设计和交付新员工培训和丰富多样的活动,以提升员工对公司品牌的认同感
  • 领导团队对公司文化现状进行分析,制定发展战略和具体行动计划
  • 与公司各相关部门合作,系统性的推进文化建设的各项举措,包括推广所涵盖的理念与行为,改进相关流程和政策,建立支持机制,分析和宣传先进事例等


  • 引领多元与包容咨询委员会制定战略和年度重点项目,组织季度会议对重要事项进行决策
  • 领导团队设计和开发多元包容相关培训和活动产品,支持理念、知识和技能的传播和培养
  • 管理和支持业务员工资源团体的发展,为其制定年度计划和预算提供建议
  • 与公司各部门合作整合与多元包容文化建设的相关举措、成功案例和数据,通过各种会议和沟通平台分享给利益相关者


  • 与商业团队合作制定对外培训项目的发展计划,领导培训产品的设计和迭代,协助商业团队进行市场推广
  • 领导团队培养讲师群体,确保交付质量
  • 代表学习发展团队与外部公司和组织分享最佳实践


  • 具备灵活性和在快节奏的环境下工作的能力
  • 能同时处理多任务并在复杂情况下做出决策
  • 拥有与不同领导层、包括与高级管理人员一同工作的经验,能够引导利益相关者通过讨论达成一致
  • 拥有至少十二年的在学习与发展、人才发展、组织发展、文化建设和团队发展方面的经验
  • 具备出色的领导能力,能以故事讲述启发和引领团队,打造高绩效团队,为团队提供辅导并支持团队成员的职业发展
  • 具有强大的项目管理/咨询技能以及在不同的环境下安排时间并调动资源的能力
  • 了解并且有运用多种发展方法的经验,包括正式培训、向他人学习和在岗的培训(70-20-10发展模型),了解数字化学习的应用和学习发展/人才发展的最新趋势
  • 在公司环境下为客户提供学习与发展策略(订立合同、需求分析与执行),并且在为不同的学习者调整学习内容的方面有丰富经验
  • 能够教授复杂内容以及议程并能根据不同的群体来改变教学方法和风格
  • 出色的中文与英文的书面以及口头沟通技巧
  • 拥有本科及以上学历



* 我们致力于提供平等的就业机会,欢迎残障人士申请职位

* 具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整

* 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯

Senior Manager, Learning and Development

Line of Business:  Human Resource

Location: China, Shanghai

Job Summary:

The Vision of Disney University is creating learning that propels Disney excellence. We are focused on supporting Disney’s mission by giving its Cast Members powerful opportunities to learn and develop throughout their careers. From Orientation to Leadership Development, Disney University always plays a role in Cast Members’ growth in the Company.

Senior Manager, Learning and Development will lead a team of Learning and Development consultants to provide service and support to Shanghai Disney Resort's organizational culture development, talent development, and Line of Business development. Key responsibilities include developing the strategies of learning development, leadership development, talent development, and Diversity & Inclusion for Shanghai Disney Resort; leading the team in designing action plans based on the strategy, developing annual departmental priorities, and implementing specific programs, trainings, and events; partnering with related departments in the Disney Experiences segment to implement key programs to support business development; and seeking internal and external resources and collaborations to enhance the quality of products and programs; managing the progress and quality of key projects and providing direction and advice to the team; introducing digital technology and innovative training methods to improve program and training effectiveness; collaborating with commercial teams to conduct external training; developing high-performing teams and guiding the career development of team members; designing and delivering leadership and soft skills related courses.

What to do:

Team Leadership

  • Effectively manage cross-functional stakeholders across all levels, influence key decisions related to learning development, talent development and culture building, formulate year-round development strategy proposals and seek core leadership team's input to reach consensus; provide timely feedback on progress and key points with stakeholders during the project process and make flexible adjustments in response to the actual situation
  • Represent Shanghai Disney Resort to attend meetings with related departments in the Disney Experience segment, to share and gather information, to understand related departments’ work updates to facilitate collaboration, and to tell stories that demonstrate the results and impact of local programs
  • Participate in discussions and provide insights and recommendations on issues related to organizational development, talent development and culture building as part of the core HR leadership team, and collaborate with other HR functions to achieve the annual work plan of the HR department
  • Effectively organize the team's human resources and related processes to meet business needs and oversee the team to efficiently accomplish work objectives
  • Develop and coach team members, create annual learning and development plans for the team, improve the overall capabilities of team members, and build a positive and collaborative team

Learning Development

  • Lead the team to analyze and summarize the company's overall learning and development needs, and develop the annual training plan and key projects
  • Develop the annual department budget to support operations
  • Lead executive development programs and leverage internal and external resources to enhance core leadership team's leadership skills
  • Lead the team to launch leadership development programs for different levels and localize learning content
  • Lead the team to continuously innovate and develop courses and products that meet user needs
  • Build a digital learning platform to enhance learning coverage through digital learning tools and assist the Lines of Business in knowledge management and sharing

Talent development

  • Develop talent development strategies and related action plans based on the Company's talent development needs
  • Understand, analyze and diagnose the group characteristics and development needs of high potential talents at different levels
  • Design development programs with multiple components and formats based on requirements and manage the projects to achieve the desired goals
  • Manage the talent community and assist the talent community leaders in the ongoing development of graduates for the talent programs

Organizational development

  • Collaborate with the organizational development department from headquarter to continuously update organizational development tools and provide ongoing training resources and toolkits to the HR team
  • Provide organizational diagnostic and consulting services to the Lines of Business based on business needs in collaboration with Human Resources Business Partners

Building the company culture

  • Lead the team in designing and delivering onboarding training and heritage activities to enhance employees’ connection with the company brand
  • Lead the team to analyze the current state of the company's culture and formulate a development strategy and concrete action plan
  • Collaborate with all relevant departments of the Company to systematically promote culture building initiatives, including the promotion of related concepts and behaviors, improvement of related processes and policies, establishment of support mechanisms, analysis and promotion of the successful stories, etc.

Building the culture of Diversity and Inclusion

  • Lead the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council in developing strategies and annual priorities and organize quarterly meetings to make decisions on important initiatives
  • Lead the team in the design and development of Diversity & Inclusion related training and products to support the communication and development of the mindset, knowledge and skills
  • Manage and support the development of the Business Employee Resource Groups, advising on the development of their annual plans and budget
  • Collaborate with various departments in the Company to consolidate initiatives, success stories and data related to building the culture of Diversity and Inclusion, and share them with stakeholders through various meetings and communication platforms

External training and sharing

  • Collaborate with the commercial team to create a development plan for external training programs, lead the design and iteration of training products, and assist the commercial team with marketing efforts
  • Lead the team in developing the facilitator community to ensure the quality of delivery
  • Share best practices with external companies and organizations on behalf of the Learning & Development team

What to bring:

  • Ability to be flexible and working in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to multitask and make decisions in complex situations simultaneously
  • Proven experience working with a variety of leadership levels, including senior executives, to guide stakeholders through discussions to alignment
  • At least 12 years of experience in learning and development, talent development, organizational development, culture building and team development
  • Exceptional leadership skills with the ability to inspire and lead teams with storytelling, build high-performing teams, provide coaching to teams and support the professional development of team members
  • Strong project management/consulting skills and ability to prioritize and mobilize resources in diverse environments
  • Understanding and experience in applying a variety of development methods including formal training, learning from others, and on-the-job training (70-20-10 development model), and knowledge of the application of digital learning and the latest trends in learning development/talent development
  • Proven experience in a corporate environment consulting with clients about learning and development strategies (contracting, needs analysis, execution) and adjusting content to meet the needs of the learners
  • Ability to facilitate highly complex content and agendas, adapting approach and style to a variety of audiences
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Chinese and English
  • Bachelor's degree and above

About Shanghai Disney Resort:

As one of the worldwide leaders in family entertainment, Shanghai Disney Resort delivers legendary service and a lifetime of memories for our guests. Joining us in a new world of fantasy, imagination, creativity and adventure involves creating happiness for the millions of guests who visit our Resort each year. Whether your career journey here is onstage or backstage, there are almost unlimited opportunities for growth and personal development at Shanghai Disney Resort.

* We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities and welcome applications from candidates with disabilities.

* Specific benefits vary between different roles and may be adjusted according to company policy.

* Shanghai Disney Resort does not charge a fee to submit job applications and has not authorized any individual or company to charge to do so. Please always check our official channels or platforms for the most relevant recruitment information.

关于 Shanghai Disney Resort:


关于 华特迪士尼公司 (公司):

华特迪士尼公司连同其子公司和关联公司,是一家领先的多元化国际家庭娱乐和媒体公司,拥有以下业务板块:媒体网络、乐园和度假区、影视娱乐、消费产品和互动媒体。它从 20 世纪 20 年代的一家小型卡通工作室,一跃发展成为当今娱乐业中的翘楚,可谓是家喻户晓。迪士尼公司非常荣幸地继续秉承其传统,为每位家庭成员打造世界一流的故事和体验。迪士尼的故事、人物和经历吸引了世界各地的消费者和游客。我们在 40 多个国家及地区经营业务,我们的员工和演职人员携手努力,打造在全世界和当地都备受钟爱的娱乐体验。

此职位隶属于 Shanghai Intl Theme Park Company, Ltd., 即我们称为 Shanghai Disney Resort 业务的一部分。

具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整。 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯。


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