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Senior Manager, F&B Hotel Ops & Resort Table Service Restaurants 资深餐饮运营经理,酒店及餐桌服务餐厅

立即申请 稍后申请 职位ID 10086515 工作地点-国家/地区 上海, 上海, 中国内地 工作发布公司 Shanghai Disney Resort 发布日期 2024/09/11


Job Summary:

The Senior Manager is responsible for overseeing all Hotel and Table service restaurants in Food & Beverage operations. This role involves leading and motivating Cast Members to deliver exceptional guest experiences, maximizing business opportunities, and cultivating relationships with our diverse guest mix.

The Senior Manager is responsible for creating an operations environment that fosters continuous improvement, guest satisfaction standards, and ensures efficiency and productivity. This includes maintaining control and compliance with Disney’s Quality Standards. The role also involves driving and executing long-term strategies and sustainability for the LOB through partnership and planning with WDI and Facility Services. Strong relationship-building abilities are essential as the Senior Manager interacts with key support LOBs to collaborate on planning SHDR seasonal events.

In addition, the Senior Manager will be dedicated to driving F&B strategic initiatives, such as identifying revenue improvement opportunities for hotels and implementing F&B Ops-led initiatives to maximize profitability.

Overall, the Senior Manager is accountable for people management and must drive behavior that enables optimal service quality for our Guests.

Key Responsibilities:

Leadership and Relationship Management

  • Provide clear and effective communication to all Cast Members regarding the vision and objectives of Food & Beverage Operations;
  • Implement management procedures to maintain a friendly and sincere service culture;
  • Identify training and development needs for staff and create appropriate programs to enhance performance;
  • Recognize exceptional cast performance through different internal activities programs;
  • Create and execute development plans for location leaders to foster career growth;
  • Review sales opportunities and financial KPIs to drive business development;
  • Foster internal working relationships with other LOBs to streamline decision-making processes;
  • Establish and maintain partnerships with industry business partners to stay informed about market trends;
  • Develop and communicate a long-term business development plan for hotel and table service F&B locations;
  • Foster a positive and inclusive work environment that promotes diversity and inclusion, ensuring equal opportunities for all Cast Members;
  • Effectively manage conflicts and resolve issues among team members to maintain a harmonious work environment;
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with external stakeholders, such as suppliers and vendors, to enhance partnerships and optimize business opportunities.

Strategic Business Planning and Execution

  • Collaborate with Revenue Management and FinAnalytics, F&B integration team, Marketing teams to develop and execute business strategies that meet operating income profitability targets;
  • Conduct regular reviews of department processes to ensure efficiency and effectiveness;
  • Manage resources to accommodate seasonal and annual business levels;
  • Identify opportunities for product and facility development while considering operating income requirements, and communicate these opportunities to relevant Senior SHDR Executives;
  • Focus on product development to enhance the guest experience and drive business results;
  • Work with culinary leaders to enhance seasonal and annual product offerings to increase per cap and guest spending;
  • Strategically review and identify opportunities for infrastructure and facility improvements to meet guest demand and expectations;
  • Collaborate with the Marketing team to develop market penetration programs for the local, China, and international markets;
  • Take charge of hotel F&B enhancement programs and update partners on site-wide operations standards;
  • Continuously monitor and evaluate the success of business strategies and make adjustments as needed;
  • Conduct market analysis and competitor research to identify market trends and opportunities, and develop strategies to stay ahead of the competition;
  • Evaluate and implement new technologies or systems to enhance operational efficiency and guest experience, keeping up with industry advancements;
  • Monitor and manage customer feedback and reviews, utilizing insights to make improvements in service and product offerings.

Financial Performance

  • Manage the Food & Beverage Hotel and Table service Operations P&L to ensure financial performance meets expectations;
  • Collaborate with Revenue Management and Financial Analytics to develop pricing strategies and promotions to achieve financial goals;
  • Identify opportunities for promotions and cost savings to drive profit in the long-term plan;
  • Monitor departmental revenue, expenses, and operating income to meet financial expectations;
  • Analyze performance and financial data to prioritize actions and make resourcing and capacity planning decisions;
  • Monitor and optimize costs to ensure profitability, regularly reviewing financial reports and identifying areas for cost savings;
  • Conduct regular financial analysis and forecasting to identify potential risks or opportunities and make data-driven decisions;
  • Develop and implement strategies to maximize revenue and manage expenses, aligning with overall business objectives.

Operations Development

  • Work with Sales to grow the hotle and Table service Event business and offer the right products to drive overall profit;
  • Take responsibility for menu and concept planning, coordination, and development;
  • Collaborate with other departments to execute seasonal events throughout the year;
  • Collaborate with the Workforce Planning team to identify labor opportunities and address location-specific issues;
  • Oversee cast development in partnership with the HR department;
  • Conduct regular performance evaluations and provide feedback to team members, fostering their professional growth and development;
  • Promote sustainability initiatives within the department, such as reducing food waste and implementing eco-friendly practices, to contribute to environmental responsibility;
  • Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in hospitality and F&B operations, attending conferences and training programs, and sharing knowledge with the team.

You will work as a part-time food safety officer in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, for work related to food, and engage in food safety management, including:

  • Mastering the appropriate food safety laws and regulations, food safety standards and other food safety management skills that should have;
  • Expertise in identifying and preventing and controlling the corresponding food safety risks;
  • Familiar with food safety-related facilities and equipment, processes, operating procedures and other production and operation process control requirements in the enterprise;
  • Participating in the training of food safety managers organized by the enterprise and pass the examination;
  • Supervision and implementation of food production and operation process control requirements;
  • Check the implementation of the food safety management system, manage and maintain the records of the food safety production and operation process materials, and keep the relevant documents as required;
  • For the food that does not meet the food safety standards, the food that has been proved to be harmful to human health, and the food safety risk and hazards, promptly take effective measures to rectify and report;
  • Record and manage employee health and hygiene;
  • Cooperate with relevant departments to investigate and deal with food safety incidents;
  • Other food safety management responsibilities.

Desired Qualifications:

  • 20+ years’ experience in the F&B industry or relevant theme park business;
  • Extensive experience in F&B hotel management with exposure to all lines of business;
  • Strong relationship skills consistent with the extensive amount of personal interaction that will take place with Guests and Casts;
  • Strong perspective of superior guest service and being able to lead a diverse team of Cast Members to deliver such standards;
  • Solid negotiation, persuasion, communication, presentation, and public speaking skills with a high level of creativity and innovation;
  • Demonstrated ability to work within a matrix organization; willingness to work and integrate with multiple partners;
  • Fluent in Mandarin and English.








  • 向所有餐饮运营团队成员清晰有效地传达餐饮运营的愿景和目标。
  • 实施管理程序,维护友好和真诚的服务文化。
  • 确定员工的培训和发展需求,并创建适当的计划以提升绩效。
  • 通过不同的内部活动认可杰出的团队成员表现。
  • 创建并执行餐厅负责人的发展计划,促进职业成长。
  • 审查销售机会和财务关键绩效指标,推动业务发展。
  • 与其他业务部门建立内部工作关系,简化决策过程。
  • 与行业业务合作伙伴建立并维护伙伴关系,了解市场趋势。
  • 为酒店和餐桌服务的餐饮地点制定并传达长期业务发展计划。
  • 倡导积极和包容的工作环境,促进多样性和包容性,确保所有团队成员享有平等机会。
  • 有效管理团队成员之间的冲突并解决问题,维护和谐的工作环境。
  • 建立并维护与供应商和供应商等外部利益相关者的紧密关系,增强合作伙伴关系并优化业务机会。


  • 与收益管理、财务分析、餐饮整合团队和市场团队合作,制定并执行符合运营收入盈利目标的业务战略。
  • 定期审查部门流程,确保效率和效果。
  • 管理资源以适应季节性和年度业务水平。
  • 在考虑营业收入要求的同时,识别产品和设施发展的机会,并将这些机会传达给相关的上海迪士尼度假区高级管理层。
  • 专注于产品开发,增强游客体验并推动业务成果。
  • 与厨房部门领导合作,改进季节性和年度产品供应,以增加每人次消费和游客消费。
  • 战略性地审查并确定基础设施和设施改进的机会,以满足游客需求和期望。
  • 与市场营销团队合作,为本地、中国和国际市场开发市场渗透计划。
  • 负责酒店餐饮增强计划,并向合作伙伴更新现场运营标准。
  • 持续监控并评估业务战略的成功,并根据需要进行调整。
  • 进行市场分析和竞争对手研究,识别市场趋势和机会,并制定策略以保持领先于竞争对手。
  • 评估并实施新技术或系统,提高运营效率和游客体验,与行业发展保持同步。
  • 监控和管理游客反馈和评论,利用洞察力改进服务和产品供应。


  • 管理酒店餐饮和餐桌服务运营的利润和损益表,确保财务绩效符合预期。
  • 与收益管理和财务分析团队合作,制定定价策略和促销活动,实现财务目标。
  • 发现促销和成本节约机会,推动长期计划中的利润增长。
  • 监控部门收入、费用和运营收益,以满足财务预期。
  • 分析绩效和财务数据,优先考虑行动并进行资源和能力规划决策。
  • 监控并优化成本,确保盈利能力,定期审查财务报告并确定节约成本的领域。
  • 定期进行财务分析和预测,识别潜在风险或机会,并做出基于数据的决策。
  • 制定并实施策略,最大化收入和管理费用,与整体业务目标保持一致。


  • 与销售部门合作,拓展酒店和餐桌服务的活动业务,并提供适合的产品以推动整体利润。
  • 负责菜单和概念的规划、协调和开发。
  • 与其他部门合作,全年执行季节性活动。
  • 与劳动力规划团队合作,识别劳动力机会并解决特定地点的问题。
  • 与人力资源部门合作监督团队发展。
  • 定期进行绩效评估并向团队成员提供反馈,促进他们的专业成长和发展。
  • 在部门内推广可持续性倡议,例如减少食品浪费和实施环保实践,为环境责任做出贡献。
  • 保持对酒店和餐饮运营行业趋势和最佳实践的了解,参加相关会议和培训项目,并与团队分享知识。


  • 掌握相应的食品安全法律法规、食品安全标准以及其他应当具备的食品安全管理能力;
  • 具备识别和防控相应食品安全风险的专业知识;
  • 熟悉本企业食品安全相关设施设备、工艺流程、操作规程等生产经营过程控制要求;
  • 参加企业组织的食品安全管理人员培训并通过考核;
  • 督促落实食品生产经营过程控制要求;
  • 检查食品安全管理制度执行情况,管理维护食品安全生产经营过程记录材料,按照要求保存相关资料;
  • 对不符合食品安全标准的食品或者有证据证明可能危害人体健康的食品以及发现的食品安全风险隐患,及时采取有效措施整改并报告;
  • 记录和管理从业人员健康状况、卫生状况;
  • 配合有关部门调查处理食品安全事故;
  • 其他食品安全管理责任。


  • 20年以上餐饮行业或相关主题公园业务经验。
  • 在餐饮酒店管理方面有丰富的经验,涉及所有业务线。
  • 具备与客人和员工进行广泛互动的良好人际关系技巧。
  • 丰富的对客经验,并能够领导多元化的团队来达到我们的标准。
  • 良好的协调力,说服力,沟通能力,表达能力以及演说技能,并有高等的创造与革新力。
  • 具备在矩阵式组织中工作的能力;愿意与多个合作伙伴合作和整合。
  • 流利掌握普通话和英语。

关于 Shanghai Disney Resort:


关于 华特迪士尼公司 (公司):

华特迪士尼公司连同其子公司和关联公司,是一家领先的多元化国际家庭娱乐和媒体公司,拥有以下业务板块:媒体网络、乐园和度假区、影视娱乐、消费产品和互动媒体。它从 20 世纪 20 年代的一家小型卡通工作室,一跃发展成为当今娱乐业中的翘楚,可谓是家喻户晓。迪士尼公司非常荣幸地继续秉承其传统,为每位家庭成员打造世界一流的故事和体验。迪士尼的故事、人物和经历吸引了世界各地的消费者和游客。我们在 40 多个国家及地区经营业务,我们的员工和演职人员携手努力,打造在全世界和当地都备受钟爱的娱乐体验。

此职位隶属于 Shanghai Intl TP AFC, Ltd., 即我们称为 Shanghai Disney Resort 业务的一部分。

具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整。 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯。


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