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Director, Government Affairs

立即申请 稍后申请 职位ID 10084603 工作地点-国家/地区 上海, 上海, 中国内地 工作发布公司 Shanghai Disney Resort 发布日期 2024/05/21






总监,政府事务负责通过与华特迪士尼公司政府事务团队(GA)和上海迪士尼度假区公共事务团队(PA)的领导密切合作,制定全面的政府关系战略,为政府/行业提供最大支持,在政府关系拓展中积极打造度假区的引领地位,与此同时创造最大的商业价值。该职位将负责实施政府关系战略,领导支持度假区其他业务伙伴开展政府相关的各类工作和项目。该职位还负责运用华特迪士尼公司现有政府关系网络,直接或通过战略部署发挥度假区主要高管影响力的方式来打造度假区各项工作在区级、市级、地区及中央政府关键相关方中的知晓度。该职位必须能够清晰把握政府需求,能够有效发展和维护内部及外部关系,善于发现并把握机会。该职位需要对当前的政府事务工作进行评估,创造性地制定高效的新战略,或设计全新的活动,更好地服务于公共/政府关系和度假区的发展。该职位将向上海迪士尼度假区公共事务与传讯副总裁王凯(Murray King)汇报。


  • 根据上海迪士尼度假区的业务和运营需求,制定并实施政府关系长期战略;
  • 就行业和运营问题,明确与之相关的中国各级政府部门与有关单位的关键相关方,及其结构与职责;
  • 评估和分析政府相关方对其与度假区关联的判断,并拟定用于沟通和引导的关键信息;
  • 确定交流合作及宣传沟通的主要渠道,包括但不限于直接合作、第三方合作(关键意见领袖、行业协会等)、外国外交使团和商会、媒体(协同传讯团队)以及公私合作项目(协同企业社会责任与社区关系团队)等渠道;
  • 利用已确定的渠道和信息,协调度假区高管参加与政府的交流活动,担当度假区与政府之间交流合作的“主心骨”;
  • 针对所有交流合作活动创建用于跟踪进展的基础框架,包括活动前后的简报、个人简历、演讲要点和背景资料、联系人信息;
  • 在影响公共政策、度假区发展和运营的关键问题及相关消息方面,基于预测分析提供咨询,并定期提供简报和培训;
  • 作为关键成员参与危机管理,并在与政府的交流合作中发挥领导作用;
  • 支持度假区与其在浦东新区的合作伙伴(包括上海市政府、浦东新区政府、管委会和申迪集团)建立和保持牢固的关系;
  • 与政府事务首席顾问及华特迪士尼公司政府事务团队合作,共同建立并维护与主要中央和地方政府部门及沪浙苏皖相关机构的稳固关系和沟通渠道,重点关注外贸、文化和旅游领域;
  • 与政府事务首席顾问及华特迪士尼公司政府事务团队合作,共同发展并维护与美国驻华外交使团的良好关系,特别是美国驻华大使馆和美国驻上海总领事馆;
  • 有效领导和管理相关政府事务项目(包括提供项目开发支持、准备简报材料、协调礼宾事宜),为高管访问及重要里程碑活动提供支持;
  • 在与董事会相关的事宜中担任政府和公司的主要联络人,视情况为董事会及度假区项目指导委员会相关后续事宜提供支持;
  • 为各业务部门提供建议,确保业务部门能够准确理解/评估并以协调一致的方式处理提案/方案中的政府方面事宜;
  • 在探讨新提案/方案的过程中,必要时,负责领导实施与政府及相关方的磋商战略/工作;
  • 作为商界的活跃成员参与符合该岗位总体职责的活动和项目,包括参与及领导商会、行业协会等;
  • 作为公共事务和整个度假区团队的重要成员参与各项工作;
  • 与华特迪士尼公司政府事务团队合作,每月发布政府事务资讯。


  • 拥有国际关系、公共事务、公共政策、法学、新闻学专业文学/理学学士学位;
  • 具有10 年以上相关工作经验;
  • 具有领导、管理及合作经验;
  • 在战略制定、实施和评估方面具有丰富经验;
  • 具有在中国境内的跨国公司从事政府关系、监管事务和/或公共事务的专业经验;
  • 在中国境内政府机构工作的专业经验;
  • 较强的口头和书面沟通能力,包括流利的英语和普通话;
  • 了解中国的中央、地方和本地各级政府的具体结构、职能和立法程序;
  • 了解影响在华跨国企业的相关问题;
  • 具备扎实的计算机知识,包括Microsoft、Power Point、Excel;
  • 具有很强的创造性解决问题和管理冲突的能力;
  • 具有较强的英语和普通话表达、写作和沟通能力;
  • 能够在最少的指导下取得重大成就;
  • 有很强的合作能力,能够发展和维护积极、专业的内外部工作关系;
  • 态度积极,擅长交际,能够在多元文化和多语言环境中工作;
  • 能够运用商业洞察力将政府职能与公司总体目标联系起来;
  • 对迪士尼文化、形象和业务范围有深入了解;
  • 有能力制定和实施战略,并带领团队成功开展项目,取得成效。



* 我们致力于提供平等的就业机会。

* 具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整。

* 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯。

Director, Government Affairs

Line of Business: Public Affairs

Location: Shanghai, China

Job Summary:

The Director, Government Affairs is responsible for working very closely with TWDC GA and SHDR PA leader to develop a comprehensive Government Relations strategy to provide the greatest support to our government/industry, positively position the Resort as a leader in government relations outreach, while generating maximum business value. This position will implement the Goverenment Relations strategy and provide leadership support for other Resort partners responsible for the implementation of various government related efforts and initiatives. The position would also be responsible for tapping into the existing TWDC GA network to creating awareness of our efforts to key government stakeholders at district, municipal, regional and central government levels, both directly and via strategic deployment of key Resort executives. This person must be knowledgeable of needs within our government, be able to effectively develop and manage internal and external relationships, and identify and seize leveraging opportunities. They will need to evaluate current government efforts, plus strategize new, creative and efficient elements or to design completely new activities that better serve the public/government relations and The Resort.This position will report to Murray King, Vice President Public Affairs, Shanghai Disney.


  • Create and implement and strategic long term government relations strategy, aligned to the business and operational needs of the Resort;
  • Based on industry and operational issues, identify and profile key government and quasi-government stakeholders at all levels of Chinese government;
  • Evaluate and analyze government stakeholder perceptions of relevance to the Resort and develop key messages to communicate and influence;
  • Identify key channels for engagement and advocacy, including but not limited to direct engagement, third party engagement (key opinion leaders, industry associations, etc), foreign diplomatic missions and business chambers, media (in conjunction with the communications team) and public-private partnership initiatives (in conjunction with corporate citizenship and community relations team);
  • Coordinate engagement by executives of the Resort using identified channels and messaging, acting as a "quarterback" for overall Resort engagement with government;
  • Create infrastructure for tracking all engagement including pre-post engagement briefings, bios, talking points and backgrounders, contact data-base;
  • Provide predictive and analytical counsel on key issues and intelligence influencing public policy and Resort development and operations, and be available to provide regular briefings and trainings;
  • Participate as a key member of crisis management and lead in government engagement;
  • Support the development and maintenance of strong relations between the Resort and its partners in Pudong, including the Shanghai Municipal Government, Pudong New District Government, Administration Commission and Shendi Group;
  • Partner with Principle, Government Affairs to work with TWDC GA team to Develop and maintain strong relationships and engagement channels with key central and regional governments and quasi-government entities in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui with a focus on foreign trade, cultural and tourism;
  • Partner with Principle, Government Affairs, working with TWDC GA team to develop and maintain excellent relations with American diplomatic missions in China, particularly the US Embassy in Beijing and the US Consulate General in Shanghai;
  • Support executive visits and key milestone events through effective leadership and management of related government programs including program development support, briefing material, protocol, etc;
  • Act as a main contact for both Government and the Company for Resort Board-related matters, and support as needed follow-up matters related to the Board and Resort Project Steering Committee;
  • Provide advice across LOBS to ensure Governmental aspects of proposals/initiatives are properly understood/assessed & consistently handled;
  • Where necessary, lead consultation strategy/effort on new proposals/initiatives vis-à-vis Government and stakeholders;
  • Participate as an active member of the business community in activities and initiatives which benefit the position's overall mandate, including participation and leadership of business chambers, industry associations, and etc;
  • Participate as a key member of the Public Affairs and overall Resort team;
  • Publish monthly GA Newsletter by working with TWDC GA team.


  • BA/BS International Relations, Public Affairs, Public Policy, Law, Journalism;
  • 10+ years related experience;
  • Leadership, management and partnering experience;
  • Demonstrated experience in strategy development, implementation and evaluation;
  • Professional experience in government relations, regulatory affairs and/or public affairs for multinational company in China;
  • Professional experience working in government agency in China;
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills, including verbal and written fluency in English and Mandarin Chinese;
  • Detailed knowledge of Chinese government structure, functions and legislative processes at central, regional and local levels;
  • Understanding of issues effecting multinational businesses in China;
  • Strong computer knowledge - microsoft, power point, excel;
  • Proven strong, creative problem solving and conflict management skills;
  • Strong presentation, writing and communication skills, in both English and Mandarin Chinese;
  • Ability to generate significant accomplishments with minimal supervision;
  • Strong ability to partner, develop and maintain positive, professional working relationships both internally and externally;
  • Positive outgoing attitude, and ability to work in a multicultural and multilingual environment;
  • Ability to demonstrate business savvy to link government functions to overall company objectives;
  • Strong understanding of Disney culture and image and business lines;
  • Proven ability to develop and implement strategies and lead a team to implement successful project outcomes.

About Shanghai Disney Resort:

As one of the worldwide leaders in family entertainment, Shanghai Disney Resort delivers legendary service and a lifetime of memories for our guests. Joining us in a new world of fantasy, imagination, creativity and adventure involves creating happiness for the millions of guests who visit our Resort each year. Whether your career journey here is onstage or backstage, there are almost unlimited opportunities for growth and personal development at Shanghai Disney.

* We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities.

* Specific benefits vary between different roles and may be adjusted according to company policy.

* Shanghai Disney Resort does not charge a fee to submit job applications and has not authorized any individual or company to charge to do so. Please always check our official channels or platforms for the most relevant recruitment information.

关于 Shanghai Disney Resort:


关于 华特迪士尼公司 (公司):

华特迪士尼公司连同其子公司和关联公司,是一家领先的多元化国际家庭娱乐和媒体公司,拥有以下业务板块:媒体网络、乐园和度假区、影视娱乐、消费产品和互动媒体。它从 20 世纪 20 年代的一家小型卡通工作室,一跃发展成为当今娱乐业中的翘楚,可谓是家喻户晓。迪士尼公司非常荣幸地继续秉承其传统,为每位家庭成员打造世界一流的故事和体验。迪士尼的故事、人物和经历吸引了世界各地的消费者和游客。我们在 40 多个国家及地区经营业务,我们的员工和演职人员携手努力,打造在全世界和当地都备受钟爱的娱乐体验。

此职位隶属于 Shanghai Intl TP&R Mgmt Company, Ltd., 即我们称为 Shanghai Disney Resort 业务的一部分。

具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整。 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯。


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